This is the original site for Dallas Heritage Village at Old City Park. If you are looking for the current site for Dallas Heritage Village, please click here.
Old City Park is now a site dedicated to information about the park systems of Dallas. The first Dallas city park was designated in 1876 in The Cedars neighborhood. Here visitors could stroll through the park’s greenhouses, enjoy weekly concerts performed at the bandstand, or simply recline under the shade of the park’s oak trees. Today City Park is the site of the Dallas Heritage Village, a collection of homes and buildings from the 19th century. The structures were moved here from areas around Dallas and restored to give modern-day visitors a glimpse of what Dallas life was like back in the second half of the 1800s. At this living Texas history museum, visitors can interact with period actors “living” in this unique village.
The park land at Dallas Heritage Village is still owned and maintained by the City of Dallas Parks and Recreation Department. This is just one of 381 incredible park areas the Parks and Recreation Department maintains for use by the residents of Dallas. Today, Dallas residents may enjoy a number of recreational activities on 23,242 acres of parkland. Oldcitypark.org has everything you need to know about making the most of your experiences at parks in the Big D.